How can I submit an anonymous tip?
To text a tip to the Lake Havasu Police Department, you must have text messaging enabled on your cell phone and subscribe to a participating cell phone carrier. To begin your tip message, enter the number “274637” (which spells out CRIMES) in the phone number line. Then start your message with LHCPD (to ensure the tip is routed to the proper police department) and enter your tip with as much detail as possible. You can also use the online web application by copying and pasting this URL into your browser; https://www.tipsubmit.com/WebTips.aspx?AgencyID=179&HR=http://www.tipsoft.com/index.asp?p=webtips Once you send your tip via text, the information is received by an independent party in service provider that will assign each tipster a random system-generated “alias.” The purpose of this is to ensure the anonymity of the tipster. Tipsters will automatically receive a response text providing them their “alias.” Please be aware that the Lake Havasu Police Department will send a response text if more information is needed to process the tip. However, the anonymity of the tipster remains secure because the information is sent to a third party service provider that is independent of the police department. The police department will only know the tipster by their “alias.” If the tipster does not wish to participate in two-way communication with the police department they can text the word STOP to 274637 (CRIMES.) Doing so will block the Lake Havasu Police Department from responding.
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